Anyhow, living in Chicago for a while now has led me to actually befriend some of these poor souls. In fact, I've befriended some Chicagoland residents who are not only Bear fans, but actually own season tickets. And one of these fine people was nice enough to offer to sell me his tickets for tomorrow night's game at face value. Now, this sale took place back in September. And, at the time, I was aware that the game would be cold, but the possibility that it would be absolutely intolerable didn't really register. Or, at least, it didn't register to the point where it dissuaded me from going along and buying the tickets.
But then the season progresses, and the injury-riddled Packers start stinking up the joint. I started looking ahead to the offseason, and not getting so angry when they lose. I missed the second Viking game (and then the Texans game) and not watching the Pack on those Sundays t really didn't bother me all that much. But I was still thinking, I'm totally going to the Packer-Bear game---Bears-Packers, it's tradition, it's amusing, etc.
But then the game crept closer, and I took a look at the weather forecast for Monday night. You see terms like "high of 14" and "subzero windchill" getting thrown around. Reporting this prediction to the wife led to her immediately opting out of the game. Of course, I found some committed Bear fan friend to go with me. But then there was today's weather. Right around zero degrees fahrenheit, with a wicked windchill of 20 or so below zero. And tomorrow's supposed to be about the same, maybe incrementally warmer (or, more accurately, less frigid). Testing out tomorrow's outfit led me to discover that there's no combination of clothing I own that can keep my legs warm in that windchill. A modern-ish ski mask sort of keeps the face from freezing off, but my glasses fog up and stay that way. This leads me to wonder what the point of going is if I won't be able to see the game. But really, I'm hunting for excuses, aren't I? I probably seem like a huge wuss. Tom Coughlin was walking around getting second-degree frostbite on 80% of his face last January, while I'm complaining about sitting in a crowd wrapped in a Mad Bomber hat and a puffy jacket. In my defense, here's the forecast for tomorrow night. (And if you're not familiar with the title of the post, take a gander here.)
Are you completely ruling out getting warmed with a nice fifth of scotch? It's Packers Bears.
It will be like suckling a witch's tit my friend. Un-do that cast-iron bra and taste that sour milk.
get it done mr. maam.
Ha. Nice everyone. I'm going, I'm going. Just have to go to Cabella's and buy some snow pants.
I thought about going when some tickets popped up last week, but with the forecast I wasn't so keen. My fingers were numb in my gloves just on a 15 minute walk to the bus today!
Wow, you even get some OT for an extra 15 minutes in the cold! Bonus! Lousy line work to allow that FG to get blocked.
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